Hypnosis is a state of deepened physical relaxation and heightened concentration, in which direct communication with the subconscious mind greatly increases the effectiveness of positive change.  While in hypnosis, you will experience a highly relaxed state of both body and mind as well as an altered level of consciousness that is a normal and natural phenomenon we experience daily.  Think of the countless times you drove home and realized you weren’t paying attention but somehow arrived safely.  That’s a light level of what you may experience during a session.  This powerful tool is used to access a state of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


A branch of hypnotherapy, past life regression, is a therapeutic technique for accessing and re-experiencing your past lives directly.  Some people try past life regression simply out of curiosity to see who they were in the past.  But for most, it’s a path for personal growth and healing. 

We all carry memories from past lives; unconscious memories that carry an energetic charge and continue to affect us.  These charges from the past set up patterns that are continually triggered and repeated in our present life.  These patterns can be positive or negative.  They can affect our relationships, behaviors, motivations, and even our physical bodies and health.  Positive patterns can feed talents, glean wisdom, influence taste, and energize life's purpose.  Negative patterns fuel destructive, compulsive behavior, cloud judgment, cause injury, and block your way. 

By making these memories conscious, we can release the patterns that no longer serve us, freeing us to live more fully in the present. Beneficial patterns are reinforced, and negative patterns are neutralized.